If there's anything as happy as journaling alone, it's sharing prompts, tips, tricks, and some deep breathing with y'all. This is an hour for you to be with your thoughts in the company of fellow supportive journalers (and non-journalers wanting to reflect!).
Join the yum, friends! NOON CT. Donation basis. Suggested donation is $10-$20 but know you can attend even if you cannot donate.
Curious about what the hell we do here? Ask me! Can't make it? Recordings will be available on a donation basis, as well, for you to watch and write at your leisure!
Zoom Call Info:
Meeting ID: 633 264 7718
Passcode: awesome
Donations can be made by sending the total you wish to pay to katydaixon@gmail.com in PayPal. Please choose the Send to Friends and Family option when you pay. I am also on Venmo as @katydaixonwimer