Halloween in the Wimer House
I'm a sucker for Hocus Pocus and my hubby loves munchin' on mini candy bars (yesterday was a mini Snickers), but today, as I come off of a 5 day illness and we move into Allhallowtide, I find my mind wondering away from the glorious kiddiness of this holiday to the ever present (and likely relatable) thoughts of those who've left us at times that may make sense and the many times that don't. A few weeks from now, it'll be a year that has passed since I received the phone call that my mother-in-law had died incredibly unexpectedly. Last year saw many beings leave, actually, and I'm sure it's the same for many of you, too. Cyber hugs to all who may be carrying grief.
So today, I keep this short. Instead of writing something lengthy, I'll head back into my work, but with a candle lit in memory of those I've lost, you've lost, and the world continues to lose as we navigate these weird times of darkness. Leave a candle lit yourselves over this Allhallowtide. All those extra lights will create warmth in this chill, too, so...super bonus. Love to you all this Halloween! Be safe.