Life During Pandemic: The Arandas
During this time of not having sessions in person for an indefinite amount of time, I’m connecting with clients to find out how they’re navigating this #SaferAtHome order during the COVID-19 pandemic. Without further ado, meet The Arandas. Learn how they’re handling this new life.
The Aranda Family, December 2019: The Black Sheep, Whitewater, WI
Katy: How are you handling the #Saferathome order?
Fabi: I think I am handling as best I can. I am working half days, I work at UW-Whitewater and assist with the Warhawk Pantry. I am helping students who are struggling with this transition. I come home and help my kids stay sane! We go on walks and do crafts and try to learn 4k the best we can!! It does get exhausting because I am not used to this routine and I don't like feeling anxious going to the store.
Katy: If you have kids, how are they doing?
Fabi: They are struggling a bit, but they are managing. My daughter, Evelia is in 4k, so it is a huge bummer for it being her first year in school. She misses her teachers and friends immensely. She also misses her grandparents a lot. It is not always easy keeping them busy. Ultimately, it is a routine that they need to get used to.
Katy: What have you found yourself doing the most? the least?
Fabi: I find myself wanting to lay in bed a lot. Depression at its finest. I just want to get back into my normal routine. I don't find myself communicating with many people.
Katy: What have you found yourself thinking the most?
Fabi: I find myself thinking about everyone it has affected. Everyone's vacations, ceremonies, births…
Katy: Have you tried/done anything you always wanted to do but never had time for before all this?
Fabi: To Be honest…. No! And I am very disappointed in myself!
Katy: In moments of overwhelm, what brings you back to yourself, to the present? (Share any resources--books, music, food, etc. that may help others if you so desire).
Fabi: I feel like trying to maintain your normal routine as much as possible helps me. Being able to work half days helps me maintain a clear mind. Also talking to family has helped me a lot via video chat. Staying away from social media that contains constant fear. Yes it is great to be informed, but don't let it consume you!!!
Katy: What's one positive thing you continue to tell yourself?
Fabi: That this is only temporary and we will all get through this (as a whole). The hardest part is being anxious about something we cannot physically see. We can only see the affects on others who are getting sick and what we read. But it is all to keep each other safe.
Vicente and Evelia, December 2019: The Black Sheep, Whitewater, WI