This Is Girl: Melina
According to mom, Angela, ten year old Melina, “is creative, fun, smart, and kind,” and shared, “I don't think I can pick just one thing I love best about her. I love the whole package!”
Melina immediately started drawing when I prompted the girls to write down their favorite thing about themselves. She came in casual clothes and completely transformed for her shoot. Love to see her inner self shine on the outside.
K: Tell me about your outfit? Why are you dressed like this today?
M: I play soccer. I like to skate. I play a lot of music.
K: What makes you YOU? How are you unique?
M: I’m good at drawing. I’m good at music. I love animals.
K: What makes you happy?
M: My pets, my family, drawing, eating, sports, and video games.
The vampire teeth are part of the Halloween character she is developing (a furry fallen angel vampire reaper).
K: What makes you sad?
M: If someone is mean to me. When I mess up a drawing.
K: Who is your favorite person right now?
M: My mom.
K: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
M: Being an artist.
K: What are your dreams?
M: I want to be my cat Richard so I can sleep and eat all day and not go to places (school). ;)
K: What does being a girl mean to you?
M: Being smart, strong, and talented.